


Most people see the value of these things and realize that active fitness will improve their quality of life. And yet, our busy schedules prevent us from achieving these goals while stress builds up and our bodies get out of shape. Working out at home or going to the gym is typically boring and good personal trainers are expensive and hard to come by. Without interest or specific achievable goals, most give up working out and let themselves become unhealthy and stressed. A high stress level reduces concentration and mental capacity and makes daily work harder.

Physical and Mental Workout
At Clear Lake Martial Arts we focus on Mind & Body development. Classes began with a complete body workout simultaneously learning cardio vascular endurance, mental endurance, balance & coordination. 

Stress Relief
When most Americans want to relieve tension they book a vacation. The problem is, relieving tension just once or twice a year is not enough. You need release stress just as often as it is built up, which is constantly…every week. Our workout burns off excess energy, built-up tension and promotes a sense of calm. Each class becomes a “mini-vacation”. You leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated and better able to deal with the challenges of a new day.

Physical Conditioning
Unlike many other types of Physical fitness programs, Karate includes three aspects of physical conditioning:

1. Muscular Development
Tones and builds muscle strength while improving your appearance

2. Cardiovascular Conditioning
​Strengthens your heart and lungs while increasing your daily energy level and burning calories

3. Flexibility
Reduces the chance of injury and keeps you feeling young and agile
Dynamic Curriculum
The movement of martial arts is unlike any other. Learning how to apply your body in this unique style is interesting and it makes the workout fun and exciting rather than boring and strenuous. In addition, learning the mentality of a martial artist brings enormous benefits to your overall performance and emotional well-being.

Belt Ranking System
The belt ranking system is created to measure goals predetermined for your physical fitness and martial arts training. Every belt level has precise requirements that aid you in consistent progress.

Clear Lake Martial Arts teaches a Traditional Japanese Karate System called Wado-Ryu founded by the late Grand Master Hironori Ohtsuka in 1934. This system combines Jujitsu (A grappling art) & Shotokan (A striking Art) together in order to provide the most effective means of self-defense in a realistic situation.

​​Shintoyoshin Ryu Jujitsu
This is the Grappling art taught at Clear Lake Martial Arts that is a component of Wado Ryu Karate. This component of the art teaches you how to escape holds and grabs using techniques such as throws, joint locks and submission. These defenses are most useful in close-range altercations and situations that end up on the ground. It is a misnomer that the classical Jujitsu arts do not teach ground techniques Read More...



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"The Best Workout Ever! Combining Fitness With The Most Effective Form of Self-Defense..."  
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